
At RockFish Kids, children ages newborn through 5th grade will be cared for by a team committed to sharing exciting lessons and activities. We pray that your child will learn to know God and grow closer to God!


First time guests of RockFish Kids can visit the children’s check-in table in the foyer. One of the service coordinators will greet you and help register your child. Your parent sticker and child’s name sticker will have matching, unique ID numbers to ensure safety during pick-up. Please watch the center screen during the sermon for your child’s ID number just in case you are needed.

On your second visit, the Self Check-In Kiosks are easy-to-use. Simply type in the last four digits of the phone number you provided during your first visit, or type in your last name. Follow the prompts to complete the check-in process.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Do I Bring?
For children newborn – 24 months:

  • 2 -3 disposable diapers or pull-ups
  • Pacifier or any other item your child may need for comfort
  • Prepped bottles and extra formula
  • Goldfish and cheerios are provided
For children 2 years through 5th grade: 

  • Parents of toddlers keep their diaper bag and are paged on the center screen in the worship center when a diaper change is needed.
  • Children are asked to leave all personal belongings with their parents (toys, sippy cups, diaper bags) to prevent the spread of germs and distractions in class.

Older children are asked to finish all snacks and beverages (iced tea) prior to attending class.

What About My Child's Health
For the protection of all children and volunteers, children may not be admitted in the kids’ areas with one or more of the following symptoms:

  • a runny nose
  • symptoms of the common cold
  • rashes
  • a persistent cough
  • diarrhea
  • fever
  • the child must be fever-free for at least 24-hours
  • or any other signs of illness.

Please do not place a sick child in any kids area as they are at risk of exposing others while he/she is not well. Thank you in advance for helping keep RockFish Kids a healthy place for everyone.

What About Snacks & Allergies?
Snacks are provided for children unless otherwise directed by parents. These snacks consist of Cheerios, goldfish, animal crackers, and fruit snacks. If your child has a food allergy, please indicate this at check-in. This information will be entered into the system and noted on his/her name tag.

Children with allergies or special diets are welcome to bring their own snacks if the item is in a disposable baggie clearly labeled with your child’s name. Due to other children’s allergies, please do not send any snacks that contain peanuts.
What Kind of Security Is In Place?
All RockFish Kids volunteers must complete Starting Point classes, become a member of RockFish Church, and complete a volunteer application that includes a background check. You can learn more about the volunteer process here.

Security guards are placed at the entrance to each children’s area. Only volunteers, children, and parents with corresponding security stickers are allowed in these areas.
Please have your parent sticker visible when walking your child to class after worship.